The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Interior Unit Space Plan of Apartment House for Life Style of Dweller
Authors 김수진 ; 이영수
Page pp.102-109
ISSN 12297992
Keywords apartment housing ; unit space ; space plan ;
Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand various styles of Korean house living, up to the present, to identify apartment living as the main house living, and plan and propose the interior unit space for apartment house based on the analysis on living space. A survey study was conducted to deduce the traditional major life style and its changes along with favorable housing spaces.
In conclusion, this study proposed the unit space planning requirements that satisfies the conceptual and interior elements for habitant's characteristics and preference according to major life style as follow;
1) As the Ahn-bang(master bed room) has been changed from traditional space concept, it is mainly used as private space for husband and wife, and its utilized period is mostly at night time, the back-arrangement of the Ahn-bang should be considered. 2) As the living room is central space in the apartment housing and has complex functions which is utilized as space for family gathering and guest reception similar to the Ahn-bang of the traditional house, it should secure more space and it is desirable to arrange the space as open type by combining the pathway area. 3) As for the kitchen/dining room, the kitchen should be isolated from external attraction and the space for storing and preparing traditional foods should also considered, and the dining room should be arranged as open type.
This study also suggests that since the apartment housing must be an integrated environment for habitants which satisfy behavioral, physical and mental elements simultaneously, the unit housing space should be constantly analyzed in various ways to produce a housing space which meet both their changing major life style and the temporal environment