The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

Editorial Office

  • Tel. +82-2-564-2598
  • Fax. +82-2-564-2599
  • E-mail.

Regulation of Journal

1. Purpose

These regulations aim to determine matters related to the submission and review of papers for the Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design (hereinafter referred to as “the Journal”)

2. Author Qualification

All authors must be regular members of the Korean Institute of Interior Design (KIID). However, even if they are not a regular member, they can submit their papers with a regular member as the lead author of the paper in the case of interdisciplinary research. If this is the case, the relevant documentary evidence to prove the interdisciplinary research must be submitted for the editorial board to review.

3. Submission of Papers

(1) Papers may be submitted at any time through the online submission system, and the deadline for submission is at the end of each month. The date of submission of the paper is set at the date of submission of the paper in the online submission system of the website.

(2) Manuscripts must be written according to the Journal's manuscript editing guidelines and submitted through the online submission system. The submission method is as follows.

① A paper for review must be submitted by deleting the author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s) and in the form of a PDF file.

② A paper submission must be submitted using the forms provided by the online submission system.

③ A final version of the paper for publication must be submitted in the form of a Word file (author(s)’ names and affiliation included).

4. Acceptance of Papers

(1) The editorial board decides whether to accept the paper under the paper review regulations.

(2) The following papers will not be accepted.

① Papers that are inconsistent with the purpose of the Journal or have no relation to it.

② Papers that have already been published and are recognized as losing their significance (however, even papers presented at the KIID conferences may be accepted if they are composed of newly developed content and topics).

③ Papers that do not conform to the rules for manuscript editing guidelines.

(3) The date of acceptance of the paper is the date the editorial board decides to publish it.

(4) Authors are permitted to publish up to two papers in each issue.

5. Publication of Journal

The Journal is published six times a year, and scheduled publication dates are the end of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

6. Restriction on the Number of Publishing

Papers with the same title may be submitted up to two times. However, an exception is made in the case of research results supported by the government or the National Science Foundation, but relevant supporting documents must be submitted. However, the research scope of the paper must be different for each edition, and the subtitle should be specified differently.

7. Return of Papers

Papers submitted will not be returned.

8. Proofreading

In principle, the author should have the paper proofread. However, under the author's responsibility, the editorial board may cooperate.

9. Publication Fee

(1) Authors must pay the review fee and the publication fee per paper, and if the number of pages exceeds eight, an excess fee must be paid for each additional page.

(2) If the authors want a separate print one, they must apply for the number of copies at the notification of acceptance and pay the fee by the time the first proofreading is completed.

10. Others

Matters not mentioned in this Regulation must be in accordance with general practice.

Supplementary Provision

These Regulations must be in effect on the date approved by the Board of Directors..

Manuscript Format Guidelines

  • Manuscript Format Guidelines (PDF)Download

1. Content

A manuscript must be an academic research paper with original content obtained from theoretical and experimental research results related to interior design.

2. Structure

In principle, the manuscript should be structured as follows: title; author detail; abstract; keywords; main text introduction; main body (divided into chapters according to content); conclusion; references.

3. Format and Length

Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format. The template can be downloaded here (Template). Further details may be requested upon acceptance.

4. Length

The number of words should be less than 6,000. However, this may be increased to a maximum of 10,000 words in unavoidable cases. This refers to all text, including abstract and references, and to all text in tables and figures.

5. Author Name(s) and Affiliation

(1) The names of all contributing authors should be listed, with names and affiliations ordered as follows.
e.g.) Kil-Dong Hong / Associate Professor, Department of Interior Architecture, Hankook University, Ph.D.

(2) The corresponding author's reference mark should be written in superscript at the upper right end of the affiliation, and the email address should be written in the lower left corner of the first page, as shown in the following example.

Ex) Kil-Dong Hong / Associate Professor, Department of Interior Architecture, Hankook University, Ph.D*.
Ex) * Corresponding Author; (written in the lower left corner of the first page)

6. Abstract and Keywords

The number of words should be less than 200. The abstract should include the purpose, significance, method, results, and conclusion by using the appropriate tense for each content. Keywords of up to five words should be provided.

7. Funding

Relevant information on the support received from a specific institution (research acknowledgments) should be written in the lower left-hand corner of the first page. If there is a corresponding author, write it under the corresponding author. The symbol ** should be written in superscript in front of the content.

8. Number

Arabic numerals are used to indicate quantities. For decimals less than 1, 0 must be written before the decimal point. Fractions should be written as 1/4 instead of ¼ if possible. For numbers with more than four digits, use a placemark (comma) or space every three digits. However, it is not necessary to comply with the four-digit number.

9. Formulas

Formulas should be written as a group by changing lines. When formulas span more than two lines, the lines are changed from the “=” sign, but the positions are unified. However, if this cannot be followed, the line is changed from the “+” “−” “x” or “÷” sign. Subscripts in formulas should be large enough to be seen when published in the journal. For formulas, put serial numbers such as (1)(2) to the right of the formula.

10. Measurement and Symbols

All units should be indicated using the International System of Units (SI units). However, if necessary, units other than SI units should be written in parentheses. For critical units other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, write them as they are, but indicate them in parentheses. Ex) 1 can of paint (20 L), 1 bag of cement (40 kg). As for the unit symbol and the quantity symbol, in principle, the unit symbol and the quantity symbol of the Korean Industrial Standards shall be followed.

11. Figures

Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for color, at the correct size). Figures should be inserted directly into the manuscript. The number and title of figures should be written in the center below the figures, and the description should be the same as the figure's width.
Ex) <Figure 1> Deconstructivism architecture

12. Tables

Tables should be inserted directly into the manuscript. The number and title of the table should be written on the upper left side of the table. Notes on the contents of the table should be written on the left beneath the table.
Ex) <Table 5> Analysis by trend of modern interior design in Korea

13. Citations

Research cited or referenced in the text should be marked with the author's last name and the year of publication.
1) If the citation is at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence, it takes the form of the author's name (year of publication).
Ex) Kim (2012) stated ..., Choi and Kim (2020) stated ..., Kim, Choi, and Lee (2021) stated ...
2) If the citation is at the end of a sentence, it takes the form of the author's name (year of publication).
Ex) (Kim, 2012)., (Choi & Kim, 2020)., (Kim, Choi, & Lee, 2021).
3) If there are more than four authors, indicate the first author's name and use 'et al.'
Ex) Kim et al. (2012) or (Kim et al., 2021).
4) If there are multiple research studies, these are listed in chronological order, and in the case of the same year, they are listed in alphabetical order by the author's name.
Ex) (Kim, 2012; Choi & Kim, 2020).
5) In the case of research published in the same year by the same author, a, b, and c are indicated after the year.
Ex) Kim (2012a), Kim (2012b).

14. References

References should be inserted after the main text and prepared according to the American Psychological Association (APA).
References include only sources cited in the article. The order of references should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the first author's last name. If the publication year is unknown or uncertain, write the author's name (n.d.).

15. Others

These detailed guidelines for manuscript writing are based on the manuscript sample format presented on the website.


These guidelines come into effect from the date of approval by the president.

Copyright Transfer Agreement

  • Copyright Transfer Agreement (PDF)Download

All authors agree to the following:

  1. The author(s) confirm(s) that this manuscript has not been published or is currently not submitted to other journals.
  2. The author(s) confirm(s) that this manuscript is creative and does not violate the copyright of other publications.
  3. When this manuscript is published in the Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, the author(s) transfer(s) all rights regarding the copyright to the Korean Institute of Interior Design.


  1. Are Hangul and English title, author(s) name(s), abstract, keywords, corresponding author, acknowledgements, and others properly presented according to the Manuscript Editing Guidelines?
  2. Are both tables and figures properly presented according to the 4 of Manuscript Editing Guidelines in English (Times New Roman 8pt, caption : Malgun Gothic 8pt)?
  3. Are cited and referenced literatures properly presented according to the 6 of Manuscript Editing Guidelines in English (Times New Roman 9pt)?
  4. Are references properly presented according to the 7 of Manuscript Editing Guidelines in English (Times New Roman 9pt)?

Guidelines for Manuscript Review

The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design adopts a double-blind review process as follows.

1. Appointment of Reviewers and the Review Process

  • (1) The editorial board recommends reviewers in the relevant fields for the submitted papers, and the editor-in-chief assigns three reviewers to each paper.
  • (2) The judgment of the reviewers is made in four categories:  Accept, Accept with Revision, Revise and Resubmit, and Reject.
  • (3) Revision is limited to two times. If the reviewer makes the judgment 'Revise and Resubmit' three times, the final judgment result of the reviewer shall be decided as 'Reject.' The time limit for 'Revise and Resubmit' is six months.
  • (4) The authors' personal information and the reviewers selected for the submitted paper are not disclosed.

2. Review Criteria

The paper will be evaluated according to the criteria specified in the review report.

3. Acceptance and Publication of Papers

  • (1) A paper can be published only when at least two out of three reviewers judge it as any one of Accept, Accept with Revision, or Revise and Resubmit. However, in the case of 'Accept with Revision,' the paper will be published after the reviewers' comments have been reflected in the revised manuscript. In principle, the revisions are confirmed by the reviewer. In the case of 'Revise and Resubmit,' the reviewer reviews the revised manuscript again after the reviewers' comments have been reflected. 
  • (2) If the reviewer does not comply with the confirmation procedure within the specified time limit, the editorial board may do it.
  • (3) Papers rejected by two or more of the reviewers cannot be published.
  • (4) Papers that are rejected for publication cannot be resubmitted within two months from the date of notification.
  • (5) Authors may raise objections through the editorial board in writing against the review result. The editorial board makes a final decision on the appeal.

4. Proofreading of the English Abstract

If the reviewers decide that the English abstract requires proofreading, the authors must use an English proofreading service for the English abstract after the final approval of the editorial board. In this case, the author must pay the cost of proofreading.

Conflicts of Interest for Reviewers

It is considered a conflict of interest if any of the following conditions are met:

I have been a colleague in the same department/department or organizational as at least one of the authors for the past three years.
I will receive professional or personal benefits if the review paper is published.
I have a family relationship with the author(s) of the review paper.
I have a direct or indirect financial interest in publishing a review paper.

If the reviewer collaborated with the author on a joint project (e.g., a project by the National Research Foundation of Korea, etc.) or jointly operated an academic event (e.g., a member of the academic society), it is not considered a conflict of interest.