The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The glass house - A Study on the concept of transparency
Authors 이정열
Page pp.146-152
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 투명성 ; 경계
Abstract AbstractIf one can define space as something that humans create from the nature in the third dimension with a specific purpose, dwelling is a series of work in which human instinct creates a new environment from the nature. This research first defines the concept of the transparency and then examines the concept of the transparency in the works called "Glass House" in various fields. Finally, based on these investigations it approaches the concept of the transparency in the space and infers to its interpretation.As the word transparency suggests, it connotes a contradiction between the negative aspect from the point of human dwellings and the positive aspect from the point of aesthetic expression of architectural works. Therefore, this research tries to find a way to solve this issue of ambivalence that lies behind the word transparency. As the title of this research has been named "Glass House", the research is to be proceeded under the assumption that the dwellings are the surfaces of the most private spaces and that their boundaries are transparent. This research also discusses methods of expressing the outer layers that form those boundaries and their effects.This research is to be proceeded as follows : in Chapter 2, it examines the concept of the "transparency" through careful screening of basic literatures and in Chapter 3, it observes how the concept of the "transparency" is inherent in the cases that have been selected in this research and compares & investigates those results. In Chapter 4, on the basis of the observation in the previous chapters it investigates whether the spaces of architectures and the reality of ideological spaces that their architects aim to express really meet the basic desires of human dwellings