The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Environmental Perception & Aesthetic Affordance Based on The Ecological Paradigm
Authors 김주미
Page pp.167-176
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 생태학적 지각 ; 인간-환경 상호관계성 ; 미적 지원성
Abstract Abstract Contemporary students of behavioral science seem to find the traditional approach based upon the modern psychology rather reductive and confining and are trying to develop a new frame of reference and methodology.In this study, I am offering the new language and direction drawn from ecological paradigm as a new anchoring point for envoironmental aesthetics.This study deals with the ecological properties of aesthetic perception in the urban landscape and architectural environment, and as such, aims to specify a aesthetic affordances from the perspectives of J.J.Gibson's ecological psychology and D.E.Berlyne's empirical aesthetics.First, J.J.Gibson's ecological psychology is revolutionary because he offers a new language(e.g., reciprocity, affordances, perceptual systems, surface layout, ecological optics, etc.)Second, The aesthetic experience in visual perception can be defined as a combined effect of ecological properties and human activity, i.e. an reciprocity between the invariants and variants of stimulus structure in environment.Third, The direct perception of aesthetic affordances and its effect to do with pleasure, preference, the aptitude for survival and behavioral adaptation. In conclusion, ecological approach is worthwhile to study, and its purpose is that it, as a framework of useful knowledge to specification of aesthetic variables, be applied to design