Title |
A Study on Mass Communication's influence on the Consumers' Cognition of Home Interior Remodeling |
Keywords |
대중매체 ; 주거공간 ; 리모델링 ; 소비자 ; 인식 ; 선호도 ; TV ; 영화 ; 인터넷 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to identify the cognition differences of home interior remodeling and preference of mass media among consumers and analyze relationship between remodeling perception and mass communication. The data are collected through questionnaire surveys, which included demographic information and preference of remodeling, mass communication from adult consumers who live in Seoul. 223 samples are collected, and are analyzed by using SPSS-WIN program. The major results are as follows: Most of the media are preferences above the average. TV media is a leading mass communication, which has an effect of most consumers. Internet business preference is found at young, male, white color business group and small family. Remodeling has been a strange word with consumers, but now on its needs are spread among the public that is provide to solve the problem which were found in their home on the influence of mass communication. |