Title |
A Study on the Sign System and the Color Codes in the Interior Environment to Increase the Accessibility, the Mobility and Safety for the Visually Impaired Persons |
Keywords |
시각장애인 ; 접근성 ; 이동성 ; 안정성 ; 사인 ; 색채 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to develop recommendation of sign system and color codes in making the public interior environment more accessible for the visually impaired persons. The appropriate guidelines in designing the sign system and the color codes in the public interior environment can increase the accessibility, the mobility and the safety for the visually impaired persons including the increasing elderly. By selecting the effective sign system much more desirable results can be brough t: lmprovement of accessibility, mobility, increase of safety, work efficiency and the psychological stability. Sign system and the color is more important for the weak-sighted people than the normal-sighted in way finding and the orientation strategies. 53 visually impaired persons participated for this study, the answers of the questionaires by the weak-sighted persons are focused on in this research. The data, the needs of users is analysed on the basis of users-oriented. The result of this study can be considered as a basic direction of sign system design and color codes in our public environment for all people especially visually impaired persons |