The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A study on the Character and translations of the Stage and Auditorium on the 16th Renaissance Theater -Focused on the Teatro Olimpico and Teatro Farnese
Authors 임종엽
Page pp.51-57
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 극장 ; 르네상스 ; 무대 ; 객석 ; 올림피코 ; 파르네제 ?
Abstract This study examines the space composition and character of 16th Renaissance Theater base on the theory of typology and interpreter in the european traditional classic theater. Baroque theater and early modern theater is considered as a symbolic representation of the renaissance theater's organization. In the historical theory, theater Teatro Olimpico and Teatro Farnese was a common tool and best systeme in reflecting renaissance type and perspective system. This role of type as life cycle and new style of theater permanent design has get its value with the population increase. This study attempts to revaluate the need of space typology in modern society through a critical review of theater and its use as a visual space. Content analysis was used to discuss the topics of this study including the historical background of the theater, the relationship between amphitheater and modern theater design, and the role of scenery, auditorium and its impact on Proscenium scenery. The scope of the study is limited to the comparison of 16th european theater and contemporary theater space use program from the space critic and sociologist. Today the concept of theatrical space is altered with the typology of classic and interpreter space. This study provides insights for the future implications of theatrical space in developing space for its a new definition as cultural representation.