The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Analys is of the Educational Conditions of Inte rior Des ign in Korea
Authors 신경주
Page pp.3-13
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 실내디자인교육 ; 4년제 대학 교육 ; 실내디자인 교과과정
Abstract Now that 15 years have passed since its introduction to 4 year college in Korea and we have 51 majors in the field of interior design established at 47 universities as of 2003, we are in the position to seek the improvement of its educational quality. With a view to provide data for the setup of proper educational purpose, it has classified their divisions(departments) according to their major names and belonged colleges of the universities and considered their geographical distributions, groupings of curriculum, their framing and features of a standard curriculum.
1)Divisions of the universities where the major of interior design belongs are divided into three categories of design division (design & arts, arts), home economics division (home economics, natural science) and architectural division. For the development of the major, universities to which circumstances permit are recommended to establish an independent college of interior design following the cases in the US. 2) Geographical preponderance of interior design major on Seoul and Gyeongsang Province is desired to be improved. 3) Curriculum of interior design, which is classified into introduction, history of interior design, theory of interior design, design of interior space, digital technology, design elements of inner space, technology of interior design, behavior of environmental psychology, design management and other subjects, was made into a table by divisions. To sum up, curriculum of interior design concentrates on basic design theory throughout all divisions. In connection with the selection of division by high school- graduates or their parents, design division is recommended for those who desire to major in design elements and design management, home economics division for those who desire to major in space design and behavior of environmental psychology and architectural division for those who desire to major in interior space design, interior design technology and regulations. 4) This research can contribute to the settlement of desirable curriculum for the interior design education, thus upgrading the education level of the major in Korea.