Title |
A Study on the meaning-change of the contemporary dwelling |
Keywords |
거주개념 ; SF영화 ; 영화 매트릭스 ; 정주/탈주 ; 실재/가상 |
Abstract |
The perceptual change and reproduction process of a space is distinguished from the difference between the Modern Times and the digitalized Post-modern Times. According to this changing aspect, the dwelling concept is also progressed toward the escapeness from the regularly standardized settlement. But, as written above, the escapable dwelling behavior pattern is re-territorizated through new restriction and domination system. Among the newly re-territorized dwelling areas, the virtual space that included human being`s equal in the contemporary meaning has already been on the surface in our daily life, it has been enlarging into all kinds of activity. The virtual space has the possibility to extend beyond a already well-used to physical space and time unlimitedly. But, owing to the ambiguous boundary between the real space and the virtual space, it is getting more important to define the spatial substance in the Digital Age. From now on, especially, the academical fields like a Architecture and a Interior Design that dealed with a living space have to give it a great shot. What I really want to say is that various approach about the space itself with the help of many sorts of so-called a Case Study could be a diversity & uniqueness out of a typical point of view about the study handling on space and time. |