The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Type and the Facilities in Compos iteness of the Domestic Discount Store
Authors 문선욱 ; 양정필
Page pp.137-145
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 국내할인점 ; 복합화 ; 유형 ; 규모 ; 시설용도 ; 임대매장
Abstract This research analyzed the space scheme in connection with complexity, one of the new changes in the discount stores, and has a goal of predicting the direction of space scheme in the upcoming complexity era. The research was conducted in the following way. Firstly, this researcher tried to grasp what kinds of changes were required in the overall distribution industry socially and economically. Secondly, the characteristic and situation of discount stores were scrutinized. Thirdly, the domestic stores complexity status was classified and types of those were elicited. Fourthly, the time- series change and use were analyzed. The result of this analysis reveals that the types of complexity can be divided by location and adjustment to environmental changes. The time- series analysis shows that total operating area, the number of parked cars and the tenant ratio have increased dramatically in 2000 and 2003. And, according to the correlation analysis between factors, the tenant ratio has a strong correlation with other two factors. Self- complexity takes the basic form of living facilities and complexity with other facilities is combined with other cultural, sales, educational and administrative ones. Mass- complexity is merged with the stadiums, parks or station sites. As you've seen, the concept of complex shopping mall for the realization of one stop shopping and convenience will continue in the days to come. It is desirable that the study on the large- scale shopping spaces will be conducted continually for the preparedness of future life style.