The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Application of the Raumplan and Plan Libre concepts in the Contemporary Architecture
Authors 박몽섭 ; 조극래
Page pp.29-37
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Raumplan ; Plan Libre ;
Abstract This study analyze the architectural space in the aspect of the ‘Raumplan’ and ‘Plan Libre’. These concepts based on the ‘Raumplan versus Plan Libre’ exhibition in Delft University, Netherlands. It is generally agreed that the concept of ‘Plan Libre’in connection with Le Corbusie architecture and ‘Raumplan’related to Adolf Loos`s works. that exhibition contents was focused an extent of modern architecture. But, These concepts continually influence contemporary architecture and offer diverse vision in architecture. Therefore, this study focused on the analysis that look for common element in the space through the case study and space element connection in change of the values, technical growth.
This Paper reveals that Adolf Loos`s Raumplan is similar to Louis I. Kahn`s ‘Room’ concept and Ando Tadao`s centrifugal space composition method in the dwelling architecture. And the concept ‘Plan Libre’ : non-definitive formal system and the elements : column, free form screening wall is revived as formal application of 3 dimension composition in architecture. and transfer lots, void, and linear space in Rem Koolhaas`s urban design projects.
These aspects is so called topology. This topological concept is an attempt in view of the space connection state rather than formative viewpoint.