The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Comparative Study on the Color Design Element in Traditional Palaces of Korea, China and Japan
Authors 박영순 ; 이현정 ; 조은숙 ; 진경옥
Page pp.168-175
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 한국 ; 중국 ; 일본 ; 색채 ; 의장요소 ; 정체성
Abstract The purpose of this study is to ascertain the color design element in traditional palaces among those in the neighboring three nations of East Asia, notably Korea, China and Japan. Undoubtedly the ultimate goal to be pursued, by so doing, has to be inquiry into the identical prototype of Korean color design element. The East Asian color palette is rich in symbolic meaning, mostly these color are in harmony with the nature and human life. In this study, the color of the traditional palace is characterized by the actual color use. The colors of China are various, but they concentration R~G, middle/high level of chroma. In Korea, the colors in palace are distributed in YR/GY, middle/low chroma, relatively higher value. While the major features of Japan color are YR/achromatic with middle/low levels of value and chroma.