The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Integration of Interior Space and Exterior Space from Pro-environmental Perspectives
Authors 우지연
Page pp.66-73
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 자연친화 ; 실내외 공간의 통합 ; 개방 ; 연속 ; 삽입 ; 포장 ; 해석
Abstract When we make a place for people, interior space and exterior space are always connected, each influencing the other. To create a better space or increase the quality of an existing space, it is essential to look at the relationship of inside and outside and their boundaries. Without consideration of the landscape, the building itself gives only limited satisfaction to people. This is an important issue for anyone who deals with space. This study intends to explain the important need for a change in attitude towards our built environment and its intrinsic relationship with its natural context.
In the study, I try to find design concepts for integration of inside and outside which have accumulated since early Modernism designers and consider cases with different solutions and approaches that make total design sense when looking at the inside and outside as a whole, then, through observation of the cases, I find 5 design methods(Opening, Continuing, Insulting, Wrapping, Interpreting) in connecting the two spaces and analyze the solutions. The various examples which are shown in each patterns will help us to find ideas for the best solutions of integration of inside and outside.
It is true that the idea of integration of inside and outside will increase the quality of our environment and it comes with the current thoughts of ecological and sustainable design. Thereby, I suggest designers to change their manner to continuous and integrated point of view in dealing with built environment.