The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Interior Design Characteristic of Skin Clinic
Authors 윤갑근 ; 김양지 ; 문희정
Page pp.110-117
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 피부과 ; 의원 ; 의료환경 ; 심리 ; 여성 ; 기능 ; 유기적 ; 면적 ; 실내공간계획 ; 피부미용 ; 동선 ; 디자인 요소 ; 피부관리공간
Abstract Recently the hospitals or clinics tend to get out of the functional and technological aspect so as to gradually emphasize service for patients. While qualitative rather than quantitative alteration is noticeable, the scale of clinics is getting larger. Especially, the opulence resulted from economic, social and cultural development has enabled more people to visit dermatology or plastic surgery besides treatment for disease. Responding to this tendency, dermatology is focusing on skin beauty, plastic operation, controlling obesity, etc. for women rather than ordinary treatment. Thus, dermatology is in need of space for skin control as well as ordinary treatment, which raises the immediate necessity of new plan for space and interior environment. In order to meet such necessity of dermatology, it is required to fully study and consider the plan for interior space.
First, the purpose, scope and method of research will be defined in the introduction. Second, the concept of clinic as well as the characteristic of dermatology will be studied by theoretical investigation. Third, the general concept of dermatology will be analyzed by examining the characteristic of each room in dermatology, the moving line of nurses and patients, the color of dermatology and the design factor of finishing materials through general investigation on dermatology. Fourth, in order to look into the general case of dermatology, the object of examination will be selected for examination through literature and visiting. After examining data, the result will be analyzed and evaluated to prepare the ground for interior plan of dermatology.