The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Visitor's Behavioral Characteristics for the Experiential Exhibition
Authors 배선화 ; 최준혁 ; 임채진
Page pp.147-155
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 자연사박물관 ; 체험형 전시 ; 관람자 이용행태 특징
Abstract The purpose of this research is to improve exhibition effectiveness by implementing hands-on exhibition technique that best provides adults with cultural resting place and children with outdoor education which simply supports school curriculum. By completing this research, the museum of natural history will become defined innovative as a place that enables people actively develop creativity. For this sake, some of domestic natural science museums were selected as the samples in this study, such as Seodaemun of Natural History, Incheon Standing Science Pavilion and Daejeon National Science Museum, Which all produce experience-based exhibition in relatively brisk manner. First of all, this study attempted to identify the traffic line and behavioral characteristics of spectators who used experience-oriented exhibition through follow-up and observational study. Then it divided samples into adults and children group to compare and analyze the ratio of using exhibitions, the ratio of spectators and the sojourn time according to the type of experience-oriented exhibitions. In addition, this study attempted to collect available data about spectators who were in conversation with one another. on the other hand, it also attempted to determine any effects on using experience-based exhibition by performing a questionnaire survey, so that it might set up an index for behavioral characteristics the spectators who visit such exhibition.