Title |
A Study on the Orientation and Mean of Anamorphosis in Architectural Perspective |
Keywords |
투시도 ; 원근화법 ; 왜상 ; 무한원점 ; 시각원추 |
Abstract |
After fifteenth century artists sought for a method on representation of nature through perspectiva artificialis. Perspectiva artificialis is become a tool for establishment of their theory and value. This study aim to study Orientation and Mean of Anamorphosis in Architectural Perspective and transitional procedure of perspective in appealing the will of Architects. Initially, the concern of perspective is begun with optics in the Middle Ages. In Renaissance Ages perspective are presented a scientific and real world to a transformation of non-scientific world with visual cone, vanish point and anamorphosis. In artists anamorphosis specially is a effective means to emphasize a affect of mannerism. Accordingly, perspective is discoursed to approached between art and technique. After renaissance perspective is become the driving force of the representation in spirit of scientific investigation; while anamorphosis such a manneristic present in art is motived to prevent from obtaining its universe and simplicity through their methodology. |