The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study of Development of the Analysis Program for Interior Design Trends and of Measurement of Consumers' Preference : Focusing on living rooms of apartments
Authors 한영호 ; 장중식 ; 신화경
Page pp.168-176
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 실내디자인 ; 실내디자인 선호 ; 소비자 선호도 ; 디자인 전략
Abstract As the pluralistic value in which various cultures and trends exist develops the world at large, development of interior design is required to examine consumers by group. This requirement purports to set up a strategic model of operating interior design organizations under cross-cultural (past and present) environment, not to express new researches of interior design following the direction of the developed media service. Based on the educational and complex cultural approach to design matters - the key issue in solving the cross-cultural design matters, this paper has suggested the structure of semi-centralized design process and the system for finding out consumers' trends under the new media-based cultural design environment. This study presents some expected effects. First, it will be able to enhance the consumer-oriented design mind by providing the information on the interior design system and design trend. Through analyzing the lifestyle in the 21st century and providing the relevant information, it will lead improvement in living environment. And further, by using the program of searching consumers' new preference, the system of grasping consumers' propensity and making decisions will be materialized. Secondly, based on the background database of forecasted consumers' trends, marketing strategies can be established. Thirdly, through the better technology of designing living environment, efficiency will be increased and the economic foundations through use of new database will be constructed. Fourth, systematic interior design can be developed. Strategic correspondence to consumers' desires and reinforcement of competitiveness will become possible with development of database. By encouraging consumers' participation under digital environment, their trends can be forecasted, and by efficiently using information and new technology, resources can be saved and further, additional costs for promotion and sales will be reduced.