The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Design Representation of Publicity and Privacy in Dutch Multi-family Housing : Focused on an Analysis of Eastern Dockland Projects in Amsterdam
Authors 문은미
Page pp.112-119
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 네덜란드 ; 도시집합주택 ; 공공성 ; 개별성 ; 암스테르담 ; 보르네오 ; 스포렌부르흐
Abstract This study attempts to suggest new directions of urban multi-family housing design in the recent era of information, in which the representation of publicity and privacy of the housing reflects new meanings and relationships of the current digital society. The study examines cases of Dutch multi-family housing and investigates the meanings and relationships of publicity and privacy in the building as well as unit design of the housings. Borneo-Sporenburg housing development is a good example that suggests new interpretation and design solution for low-rise, high-density multi-family housing. Thus, this study analyzes street patterns, facade design, and ways of housing unit combination in Borneo-Sporenburg housing and concludes as follows.
First, public space in Borneo-Sporenburg housing, which was designed differently from hierarchical and centripetal organization of modern architecture, is divided into small units and spread into the inside, which provides high potential for personal control of space and personal programming of space by space choices.
Second, street pattern and facade design of Borneo-Sporenburg housing provide visual publicity and privacy simultaneously as they maintain unity as a whole as well as articulate individual unit in many different ways and provide clues to neighboring. Streets as a public domain have self-controlled boundaries for residents and introduce voluntary use-programs for residents.
Third, facades of the housing have no inter-mediate space or common space, and confront streets directly. Space in-between is composed inside the facade and extends into the streets by residents' own choices.
Fourth, privacy and individuality of the housing is strengthened. Units of the housing have individual entrances, unique plan type and complicated combination of space that all together emphasize individuality of units, however they are not often notified from the outside.