The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the‘In-between Space’of the Traditional Residential Space in Korea and Japan : Focused on Spatial Characteristics and Sociocultural Roles
Authors 박형진 ; 박세정 ; 김문덕
Page pp.84-94
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 한.일 전통 주거공간 ; 정체성 ; 중간영역 ; 공간적 특성 ; 사회문화적 역할
Abstract The purpose of this study is to establish the identity of the traditional residential space in Korea and Japan as analyzing the spatial characteristics and sociocultural roles of the 'in-between space' shown in their traditional dwelling space. Although they share culture area, it is meaningful to clarify the identity of both countries with many differences as the point of localization in globalization and the point of presenting the current and future directions of residential culture in both countries.
Records and field studies have been carried out for the spatial characteristics and the sociocultural role focused on Ma-dang and Dae-chung in case of the 'in-between space' in Korean traditional dwellings and Inner housing, Doma, and Engawa in Japan.
According to these findings, the spatial characteristics in common between Korea and Japan are open, half-open, separation, mitigation, integration, variation, continuation, hierarchy, mediation, and expansion. The 'in-between space', built by the separate Chae and Kan, of Korean traditional dwellings shows the separation by closed walls and the exclusive use by the fixed walls. In case of Japan, the integrated in-between space built by the separation of Kan shows open and connective tendencies and the variableness of walls has the tendency making ambiguous space with spatial softness.
The sociocultural role of the 'in-between space' in Korean traditional dwelling space functions as the mitigation between the interior and exterior of the house as well as the male and female. Because the conception for protecting the private life is too weak, the sociocultural role of the 'in-between space' in Japanese traditional dwelling space seldom forms the space for an individual or the specific person among family. The space to welcome a guest functions as the mitigation between residents and outsiders as it is located in the inside of the private dwelling space.