The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics of Interior Space in the Works of Louis I. Kahn
Authors 김용립
Page pp.114-121
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 루이스 칸 ; 실내구성 ; 디자인 언어
Abstract Louis I. Kahn was a wise architect who learned from history. He developed his own unique architecture by combining his creative sense with design principles and vocabularies that can be found in historical architecture. When restricting a space, he surrounded the space with thick walls as it had been done in historical buildings. The interior space encompassed by this method became a center-oriented and stable space. The objective of this study is to find the characteristics of Kahn's interior spaces by analyzing his projects in terms of space, form, daylight and materials. For this purpose, five works that are considered to have significance from the aspect of interior design were selected and analyzed.
The characteristics realized through this study are as follows.
A) Spatial features: ① Generally speaking, each required space has been arranged symmetrically. ② Being clearly defined as the main space, the subsidiary space, or the service space, each space also was placed very functionally. ③ The space encompassed by thick walls became a center-oriented, stable space. And in most case, it was characterized as a dark space. B) Formative features: ④ The space was defined as a basic solid such as a cylinder, a hexahedron, and an octagonal box, and was developed into a complex shape by the recessed windows. ⑤ Historical vocabularies such as an arch, a vault, and a dome were reinterpreted in new ways by kahn's own eyes. ⑥ Having diverse shapes, the skylights enrich the space in terms of form. C) Daylight feature: ⑦ The vertical light entering through the skylights creates a solemn and mysterious atmosphere. ⑧ Given the shadows from the windows that change according to time, the interior space becomes a very vivid space. D) Material feature: ⑨ Harmonized with cold and smooth materials such as exposed concrete, metal, and glass, the interior space provides a modern atmosphere. ⑩ Warm appearing wood was used for furniture and part of walls or floors. The effective use of wood takes on a role that is quite complementary to the cold ambience of the smooth and cold materials. ⑪ With flexibility in building shapes, the concrete becomes the form-endowing materials.