The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Authors 김정진 ; 진용녀
Page pp.74-80
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 한방병원 ; 실내환경계획 ; 의료시설 ; 전통계승 ; 디자이너
Abstract Chinese medicine hospital enables the users to expect more efficient cure result in the psychological stability and the comfortable indoor environment by supplying the functional and aesthetic cure space with the medical action of good quality Medical activity is to treat the human life. Thus, hospital must be more human-centered-place than other space.
Thus, the establishment of space to be able to lead more rational and active participation than the conservative and passive image of the department of diagnosis and treatment for outpatients is desirable.
This study is the indoor schedule to suggest the direction about the department of diagnosis and treatment for outpatients of Chinese medicine hospital of native image with more comfortable and positive approach on the basis of above points at issues as the schedule to fulfill the performance of medical function and the emotional and psychological satisfaction of users as the human being-centered-medical institution on the subject of the department of diagnosis and treatment for outpatients in Chinese medicine hospital.
And, this researcher progressed as follows by being premised on this.
1. Description of Goai, Range and Method of Study and Suggestion of Study Direction.
2. Concept introduction as the Basic Approach of Theory which is necessary for Study.
3. The Problems were recognized by grasping the present condition in Korea through the questionaines.
4. Establishment of Concept and Direction which are necessary for planning the indoor of the Department of Diagnosis and Treatment for Outpatments in Chinese Medicine Hospital.
5. Progression of Design Plan attendant upon Concept
6. Analysis of the Conents attendant upon This, and Conclusion