The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Authors 홍형옥 ; 우정민
Page pp.114-120
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 생태학적 접근 ; 노인주거환경계획지침
Abstract By taking an ecological approach, The purpose of this thesis was to
1. analyze the existing literary work about design directives for the elderly housing,
2. case study about actual housing conditions of elderly people,
3. grasp the level of satisfaction and level of requirement about housing environment by Korean elderly,
4. by integrating the above three, provide foundational data arranging the appropriate housing design directives pertaining to Korea's actual circumstances.
The major findings in this study were surmmarized as follows.
(1) From the six literary works, 27 items as Microsystem, 1,249 items as Mesosystem, and 330 items as Exosystem were founded and there was no evidence of directives for Macrosystem.
(2) As a result of the case study, there appeared a substantial difference between actual conditions of housing environment for the Korean elderly and the design directives perceived in the literary works.
(3) The level of satisfaction and for the Korean elderly housing environment were founded differently in each directives.
(4) By ecological approach for the Korean Elderly, the housing environment design directives as follows.
In microsystem(13 items), in mesosystem(83 items), in exosystem(24 items), in macrosystem(15 items), 135 items in total were suggested as a design directives for Korean Elderly housing environment.