The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Wumul-maru Components of Sarang-taechong in traditional Houses
Authors 오혜경 ; 홍이경
Page pp.10-16
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 전통주택 ; 사랑대청 ; 우물마루 ??
Abstract The purpose of this study was the Wumul-maru components of Sarang-taechong with themselves in traditional houses.
Physical trace method was used for this study. The samples were taken from the Sarang-taechong of 6 traditional Korean houses, Yunkyungdang, the ancient Chusa estate, Sunkyojang, Chunghyodang, Yangjindang, Unjoru. The major findings were summarized as follows;
1) Regarding to the changguit'ul(long board);
the number was from 0(minimum)to 3(maximum), the size was 244.3×4407.1㎜ on average, and the proportion was 1:18.9.2) Regarding to the tongguit'ul(center board);
the number was from 5(minimum)to 18(maximum), the size was 188.7×2374㎜ on average, and the proportion was 1:12.9.
3) Regarding to the marunol;
the number was from 42(minimum)to 155(maximum), the size was 247×574㎜ on average, and the proportion was 1:2.29.