The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Environmental Improvement in the Interior Construction Fields with the check-list
Authors 이용의
Page pp.10-17
ISSN 12297992
Abstract With the ever-increasing importance of high-speed information in society as we move towards the 21st century, Interior design and it`s working condition has been changed a great deal included a sort of each special character and make a difference against the others. It used to be find a great poles asunder of worker`s safety and project quality according to the environmental dimension of interior construction fields as if they should be a pleasantness or poor condition. This research aimed to improvement of environmental construction field of interior with construction engineers and particular interior labors in 4 phases as;Ⅰ.The preparatory phase; -Secure a Budget, Environmental safety supervisor. -Fix of Design quality, Construction period. -Choice of Construction method, Sub contracting.Ⅱ.Starting work phase; -Capacity, Safety of Temporary power line. -Carriage, Stock of Material. -Safety of Electronic tools. -Personal protector.Ⅲ.Working period; -Ventilation, Ⅰillumination of working place. -Measurement of environmental working condition.Ⅳ.Finish working phase; -Analysis of measurement data. -Evaluation and making up for the weak point. -Keeping data.