The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Expressional characteristics of Geometrical Design in the Deconstructive and Experimental Architects
Authors 황태주
Page pp.57-63
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 기하학 ; 추상예술 ; 해체주의 ; 실험적 건축
Abstract In the early 20`c, scientific thoughts make a change the absolute and separate concept of space-time into relative concept of continual entity; a kind of ideal world. It suggests that the meaning of geometry as absolute truth with which has endowed human beings would changed to a relative meaning of accumulation in intellectual work on `nature`.This cognitive changes appeared into absolute arts in 20`c like Cubism, Superematism or Constructivism, De Stijl movement which had recepted the relative concepts like Einstein`s `theory of relativity` as a developed thought from Newton-Cartesian cognition on the world.Abstraction would be adequate method for expressing the dynamics and interrelationship between forms and for giving values to indivisual elements in a composition. This method had appeared Modern architectural form, as a common framework.The expression characteristics of geometrical design in Deconstructive and Experimental architecture were summerized in four features through the results of the analysis. First, the relation of architectural element and intertextuality is expressed in discontinuation of context and refusal of functional building. Second, the concept of trace expresses as connection of place, decomposing of excavation of trace, trace of axis, trace of fragments. Third, anti-gravity expression is there to express of open cubic, to outgrow of rectangular system, to outgrow of volume, to separate of ground connection. Fourth, the complex composition of abstracted geometric form is there to abstracted geometry about indefinite shape, to layer through the overlap and collage, to de-meaning and amusement of form through the pursuit of uncertainty, to indeterminate of formal meaning through operation and composition of similar form cause to the diverse of meaning.