The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Application of YangTaek-Theory in Ubiquitous House
Authors 이주현 ; 최영철
Page pp.57-65
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Ubiquitous house ; YangTaek-Theory ; Context ; FengShui ; Ubiquitous computing
Abstract This research is about the methods in making computers understand the situation in regards to interaction between House and Human Behavior. In this paper, house is the ubiquitous house, as a future house, adopting ubiquitous computing presenting the interrelation of human and house - interior space, architecture, nature. And the Context Aware Model of ubiquitous house is proposed to embody the ubiquitous house. The research objective is to systematize the context in the ubiquitous house and suggest a theoretical basis to embody the ubiquitous house interacting between the House and Human Behavior. Especially, this paper focuses on the Context Aware Model based on FengShui-Theory(sp. YangTaek-Theory).The ubiquitous house is not what operates passively by human but a information-oriented house that can predict the situation and the living patterns of human. For a information-oriented house and informal living context at home, this paper uses FengShui-Theory whose central concern is the interrelation of human and nature. Through these concepts, this research will suggest how to systematize, control and manage the context at home. In the end, it is expected to offer a theoretical basis to embody the intelligent house and apply an environment design communicating between the computers and human.