The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Spatial Features by Types of Multipurpose Senior Centers in Seoul
Authors 소준영
Page pp.209-220
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Seoul city ; Elderly ; Multipurpose senior center ; Types ; Composition of space ; Composition of area
Abstract The goal to establish one multipurpose senior center in one district of Seoul city has been nearly completed. However, since it is behind the schedule by about 6 years, nearly all senior centers are saturated currently. Therefore, additional foundation plan of senior centers is in progress. Also, the main function of the center has changed from health and leisure to various welfare programs that the elderly living in a community need. In order to supplement these problems, many existing senior centers are using center to the most through addition and change of rooms. To establish the direction of spatial plan at establishing senior centers according to the regional characteristics, 20 cases of Seoul multipurpose senior centers in operation were site surveyed and the results of spatial features by types established and changed corresponding to each condition were suggested as follows:
1. The types were classified according to the shape of floor plan, sectional planning, entry traffic line, linkage with attached facilities and addition method etc. by the characteristics of the elderly in multipurpose senior centers, program operation, linkage of spatial composition by the function, positional relation between centers, management and operation method, and center complication method etc. and the respective features were suggested.
2. By analyzing the gross floor area and the area of each room of senior centers, the features of area by types and the features of area by each detailed center were suggested.