The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the influence of nature on digital architecture
Authors 윤재은 ; 김주희
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Digital architecture ; Influence of nature ; Hyper bodies ; Simulacre ; Similarity of origin
Abstract Contemporary society is lately going through various changes in social, economic, and cultural aspects due to rapid growth of information and computer technology. The digital revolution generated from the development of network reflects the decentralizing characteristic that connects local and personal interconnections. The following paper is designed to develop a basic understanding of digital architecture and show that digital virtual reality is not accidental phenomenon but it is actually evolved from nature and recreated in cyber space. The relationship between nature and digital architecture will be explained through the background research of how digital architecture was born and how it has been transformed. Also, it is designed to find out modern trends of digital architecture through diagrams and virtual space of hyper architecture and follow up the new phenomena appearing in the field of architecture. It is said that digital architecture is a new trend of architecture created from computer bit but all architecture that has form and shape cannot be independent of nature. Nature is the root of everything and even mechanical abstraction such as “digital” can find its form in the immanence melted in the pure essence of nature. The research found that the nature approach of digital architecture also needs no more than 5 sequential references to find its genuine sketch as the hypertext theory shows we need only 5 sequential references to prove we are all related. Additionally, the cyber space that is become a general living space and a indispensable factor of digital architecture is a space that has obscurity and more open culture. It represents the characteristics of contemporaries in various aspects of society.