The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Decoration of Stone Base at Sachuwang-sa Temple
Authors 김상태
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Stone Base ; Decoration of Stone ; Circular hole ; Altar ; Molding ; Sachunwang-sa Temple ; Munduru ; The Abhiseka stura
Abstract In the 7th century, Sachunwang-sa temple had two extra building-sites behind the Main hall. These two building-sites were found to be in peculiar form different from any another existing stone bases. The stone bases of northern part of these building-sites were decorated to molding as the protruding corners of eaves, which was pierced into a circular hole, and was carved into a form of Gomeck-ii(the stone bases for supporting the wall). The northern building of sachunwang-sa temple was found to be used as the altar following munduru(文豆婁) method, through the observations of the archives of Samkukyusa(三國遺事) and the Abhiseka stura(skt. 灌頂經). The molding as the protruding corners of eaves of stone bases was shaped as the roof of a building and the carving of Gomeck-ii gives a proof of the existence of the wall between columns in the altar. The hole of the stone bases protected the wooden cylinder of munduru from the exterior world.
The author concludes, through this research, that the altar of Sachunwang-sa temple was used for the religious service during the war for worthship and protecting from the enemies. Also he concludes that these buildings must have been in wooden pagodas constructed upon a square plan, that is with both front and side width equal, having a quite small scaled and low floored building with its first floor closed on all sides, being different from the usual form.