The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Changes in the Relationship of Spaces with a New Structural Concept of Body
Authors 이종세 ; 김주연
Page pp.48-55
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Body ; Relationship ; Structured & Unstructured
Abstract Proceedings in a new field of sciences and technologies like genetic engineering challenge to conventional concepts. It demonstrates a certain disappearance in conventional concepts that dominants our perceptions, such as organic, mechanical, and dichotomic concept of informative materials, and that is to be extended as a potential possibility. Then, what is a new space where our bodies that feel and cherish in their mind should live in these days as well as it makes senses by itself and should affect the principle that makes worlds? In addition, this study proposes a frame in the analysis in order to understand a section of modern designs with the question of "what is the change in the relationship between relative structures in spaces and objects from a design point of view according to new structural concepts of body?" The major point of this analysis can be realized based on the assumption of the extension of the characteristics in the change of structural relationship in the aspect of post structuralism that includes non-structuralized relationship represented in modern philosophy, arts, and architectural works. Then, it can be accomplished as positive ideas in the foundation of space designs in future including the understand of 'new structural relationship' that can't be expressed as rationality and causal sequence by considering how the experiment conducted using several topics on body can be projected onto spaces through the process applied in the experiment.