The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Survey Method of the Residents’ Housing Needs Using Interactive Media 2
Authors 김석태 ; 박수빈 ; 오찬옥 ; 양세화
Page pp.97-104
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Survey Method ; Virtual Reality ; Interactive Media ; Housing Needs
Abstract At a time of emphasized need for user-oriented design, methods such as Post Occupancy Evaluation are being used to measure the exact demands of the users. The conventional methods, however, have mostly been conducted based on questionnaires printed on paper, which has posed numerous problems in researches designed to measure the visual demands. Along with the continued development of the internet and computer media, there have been examples of interactive media applications as a means of improving the existing paper-based research methods.
This study is a follow-up to the primary study that unveiled cautious variances of the media. 200 samples of media-based researches were extracted to be used in analysis of in-depth visual demands. 200 housewives from rural land development zones, who exercises the most influence in household purchases in these regions where the problem of rate of distribution is coming under the limelight, were chosen as the subjects. The subjects were selected from land development zones of Gimhae-si and Haeundae.
At first, the research was prepared as a web-based endeavor but it employed direct research of field personnel in consideration of that this research is in the beginning. This follow-up study deals mainly with the visual demands for which cautious variances were detected in the primary study and includes analysis of mainly ground plan layout, space coloration, livingroom utilization, and visual composition of LDK. Media research had the advantage of zero rate of questionnaire error due to a pre-programmed search routine, and it was possible to ascertain the actual trade-off basis demands of the residents in terms of ground plan layout. In addition, whereas conventional research methods based on still images were susceptible to the preconceptions of the respondents, the interactive media allowed for easy understanding of the spatial layout and thus made it possible for all respondents to provide answers under the same conditions.