The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Comparative Study on Spatial Structure of Elderly Welfare Facilities in Korea and Japan
Authors 유은영
Page pp.217-224
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Elderly welfare facilities ; Application program ; Spatial structure
Abstract The ratio of the aged population over 65 in Korea comprises 5.7% of the total population in 1995, and 7.1% in 2001, and it is expected that it will be 14% in year 2023. Also, owing to the appearance of various layers of the aged, it is necessary to prepare various programs and facilities for the aged who are healthy and economically capable in order for them to spend their life in an abundant and rewarded way. Andthere is a rising necessity not only to recognize the value of existence for the existing elderly welfare facilities but to prepare new elderly welfare facilities considering comprehensive elderly welfare as well. Especially, even though elderly welfare centers continue to provide for the aged both in a low-income class and a common class various service programs and activity programs, there still is a poor structure in terms of spatial dimension in detail to comply the service. Accordingly, we believe that it is necessary to have a comparative study on elderly welfare centers in Japan as elderly welfare facility that advances about 30 years ahead. For this purpose, this study compared the spatial structures of application programs according to facility regulations and their gross spatial classification focusing on elderly welfare centers in Japan and those of Korea. Based on this, this study intends to present basic materials for interior space planning when establishing elderly welfare centers founded on space dimension and structure along with the gross space in elderly welfare centers in Korea in the future.