The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on hospital color plan by color sensibility palette
Authors 문은배
Page pp.295-302
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Hospital ; Color Scheme ; Interior Color ; Color Harmony ; Color Design ; Sensibility Palette
Abstract The use of colors plays an important role in the field of space design. The selection of proper colors influences on people who use space by making the most of the psychological and physical functions of colors. Especially, the medical space is relatively more important than other indoor spaces in the selection of colors. The medical space has to be something to do with diversity and functions, and at the same time with stability and quietude, as well as the space with general convenient facilities. Color is not only related to the expression but also to the distinction of things and the existence. It also functions as a visual language. Human beings depend heavily on the function of color as a visual language. According to previous studies, human beings depend on color by 80% of the whole range of eyesight. Thus, color is an important factor in recognizing things and space. For example, in hospital, it is very important to apply proper colors to various medical treatment spaces for the sake of patients' rest and healing. Various colors which do not consider the function of patients' rest and healing may make the space confusing against the change of space and structure. It is also important to apply colors to the change of space and structure. Another key point that I would like to make is that color has visual, direct and physical influence on the human body. For example, the color red with long wavelength serves to regulate body temperature. Research on the color scheme for hospitals should consider both physical and psychological factors. That is why the research should be carried out in depth through continuous clinical demonstration. The present research aims to outline color planning.