The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Architectural Thought and Its Construction shown in F. L. Wright's ‘Taliesin West’
Authors 박종성
Page pp.3-9
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Taliesin West ; Architectural Thought & Construction ; Unitarian ; Organic Architecture ; Experimental Spirit
Abstract Taliesin West is a meaningful historic site in architecture field, because its place had still been existing only one in the world as a ideal architectural community for working and living as well as learning by doing for Taliesin Fellowships and others based on F. L. Wright's idea of Organic Architecture. The main purpose of this study was to follow up the architectural thought and its construction shown in F. L. Wright's 'Taliesin West'. A study on the key notes are as follows;1) The key-clue of the construction background for Taliesin West was based on the project of 'Complex Campus Building' which was early planed by F. L. Wright. 2) A basic design idea for Taliesin West was admiring from its own site characters as well as the Experimental construction methods and materials. 3) Design motive of Taliesin West was based on American Indian's movable shelter which called 'Tepee.'4) A construction of F. L. Wright's temporary studio, Ocotilla, was a good opportunity to construct for Taliesin West which construction methods, covered and framed, were same as Ocotilla. 5) A concept idea of the master plan for Taliesin West came from combining Taliesin's Hillside Home School and Complex Campus Building project. 6) Construction of Taliesin West was a final accomplished place as F. L. Wright's utopia architecture and ommunity.