The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Development of a Design Ontology and Design Process Visualization Environment for the Analysis and Leaning of Conceptual Design
Authors 김성아
Page pp.119-126
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Design activity ; Design information ; Design representation ; Design process ; Computer environment
Abstract A prototype design process visualization and guidance system, is being developed. Its purpose is to visualize the design process in more intuitive manner so that one can get an insight to the complicated aspects of the design process. By providing a tangible utility to the design process performed by the expert designers or guided by the system, novice designers will be greatly helped to learn how to approach a certain class of design. Not only as an analysis tool to represent the characteristics of the design process, the system will be useful also for learning design process.A design ontology is being developed to provide the system with a knowledge-base, representing designer’s activities associated with various design information during the conceptual design process, and then to be utilized for a computer environment for design analysis and guidance. To develop the design ontology, a conceptual framework of design activity model is proposed, and then the model has been tested and elaborated through investigating the nature of the early conceptual design. A design process representation model is conceptualized based on the ontology, and reflected into the development of the system. This paper presents the development process of the visualization system, modeling of design process ontology, and how the system could be utilized for the analysis and learning of conceptual design methods using computer mediated design support environment.