The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Traits and Relation Type of Old and New with Design strategy of Conversion Design
Authors 노정은 ; 박찬일
Page pp.36-46
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Old and new elements ; Relation type ; Design strategy ; Regeneration ; Conversion design
Abstract Regeneration of old buildings is one of the most imperative responses to the 21th century issue of sustainable urban architectural environment. In particular, creative circulation of generation which conversion means highlights the conversion as a new design method. In this study, by examining bulidings built over the last decade, the mutual relationship between old elements of existing buildings and new elements of newly required functions was analyzed and types of relationships such as 'alien insertion', 'mediate intervention', 'endogenous expansional enveloping', 'contrastive confliction' and 'over-layering' were defined. In addition, design strategies including the paradoxical curio, fore-grounding and unification were derived from each relationship. Finally, according to the relation type and design strategy, this study suggests several features of conversion design; ①maximization of symbolism using unfamiliarities - emphasizing futuristic or contextual symbol with intentional contrasts by preserving the work or using contemporary addition; ②time confusion using neutral space - meeting the need by harmonizing and cooperating existing elements and new elements; ③mutual emphasizing by individualization - revealing differences between old and new for an aesthetical tension; ④synchronism by constructional combination - making the one unity of different layers; ⑤ expansion by enveloping - experience of visual reverse and creation of extra space by roofing above building groups. The reconversion should be continuously researched in the future since conversion is a sustainable design method for the future of architecture.