The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study to Consciousness and Preference of Street Furniture in Kwang-ju City
Authors 박혜숙 ; 김수경 ; 한정원
Page pp.232-239
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Street Furniture ; Bus Stop ; Preference of Street Furniture
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the preference of street furniture and to suggest street furniture design guideline in Kwang-ju city. Subjects consisted of 197 residents in Kwang-Ju city, Kyung-ki area. The data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical package. The results of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test and ANOVA are presented. The result of this study showed that residents of Kwang-Ju city were not satisfied with street furniture, especially the wastebasket. Natural, easy and simple design for street furniture were highly appraised. And there were distinct differences in preferences of street furniture by sex and age groups. Women group wanted warmer and richer design than the other groups. Older age group wanted more curved and active design than the other groups. Considering these results, it is desirable to apply flexible and unique design according to the various characteristics of users and the region rather than to apply strict and standardized design. These results provide a practical guideline for the development of the street furniture design.