The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Symbolic Recognition Structure System of Space Design of a Hotel
Authors 김정아 ; 김억
Page pp.92-101
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Hotel Design ; Symbol ; Recognition ; Sensation
Abstract A new paradigm of design lays stress on the world of metaphysical concepts, and various attempts are being made to give meaning to psychological values. Hotel is a memorable place to remind of a special moment in one's life such as travel, marriage, meeting and so on. It also contains even more symbolism than other spaces as it is the place where the most primary and private act takes place apart from one's residence. As a result, it is also possible to communicate the message which a designer intends to convey through the user's recognition in the form of various symbolic expressions in space design. The designer communicates a meaning into a space through a symbolic system and creates a mutual consensus by means of the understanding structure of "designer-space-user". The user's diverse interpretations through a symbol are based on epistemology and consist of the primary, the secondary and the tertiary recognition structure system in the aspect of their contents. The primary structure depends on sensual perception, impressive idea and transcendental recognition based on metaphysical and perceptional association. The secondary structure includes casualty, continuous deduction and rational(integral) recognition. Finally, the tertiary structure is sublimation to the transcendental mental world beyond the boundary of emotion and it is classified into fundamental recognition structure on an object and archetypical recognition structure on an ego. These characteristics can derive systematic understandings and diverse interpretations on the symbol from the space of a hotel through the frame of analysis based on the artistic form of monosemous, polysemous and multidimensional frameworks and symbols. The framework of this analysis includes all the cases, and various methods which haven't been attempted in practice are presented. Therefore this study is not just a simple analysis of space but rather it will serve as a methodological tool for design that allows for various attempts of symbolic design concepts in the recognition structure system.