The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title An Analysis of Domestic Research Tendencies of Environmental Psychology and Behavior Studies in Architecture and Interior Design Fields - Focus on the Theses of Architecture and Interior Design Institutes
Authors 최상헌
Page pp.150-156
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Architecture and Interior Design Fields ; Environmental Psychology and Behavior ; Research Tendencies ;
Abstract The 'Environmental Psychology and Behavior Studies' which started from the purpose of "Building the comfortable environment for people", is one of the most essential research area in architecture and interior design field because of the basis of humanbeing matters. As the development of science and industries, the social circumstances have been more complicated and diversified. As a result, humanbeing require much humanized and high level of quality in space design as well as environmental design. In case of domestic research situation, the research of environmental psychology and behavior studies in architecture and interior design fields, haven't been applied fully in their potential abilities due to the shortage of research history, complexity of humanbeing researches and the vagueness of studies as a major fields. Thus, my purpose of studying is to analizing the previous research tendencies focus on the domestic thesis since 1980 to 2006 from the related research institutes. Final findings are as follows ; 1. Steadily increasing the interest ratio of the research field of environmental psychology and behavior studies 2. Concentration of research target spaces are higher from the residential > elderly facilities > educational > and medical spaces. 3. The preference of research theme showed the environmental psychology fundamentals > behavior studies > general studies of environmental psychology > emotional engineering > human factors engineering. 4. Results of crossing analysis ; 1)Residential spaces were the main spaces for main research theme. 2)Main theme used in target spaces were 'environmental psychology fundamentals' and "behavior studies'. 3)Main research methods for the most target spaces were 'sample research' methods.