The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Research Tendency of Sensibility Study in Space Study - Focused on Keyword Analysis of research papers
Authors 정아영 ; 오영근
Page pp.157-165
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Sensibility ; Keyword ; Research Tendency ; Quantification Theory ; Cluster Analysis
Abstract This study confirm the value and the importance of the human sensibility study to add up the new meaning, and to suggest a new value of Korean sensibility study through the understanding of current statusand trend of the sensibility study in the space. The method of the study was to collect date related to the sensibility study and to analyze it focusing on its details. The date was collected from researches published on the website since the establishment of Korean Institute of Interior Design and Architectural Institute of Korea and selected at the keyword search corner. The data was extracted under keywords of research object, research purpose, research method, and analysis method. And then it was quantified with HAYASH lll program and used for analyses according to its pattern and feature. The study shows that nowadays categories representing the current status and trend of the sensibility studies in space consist of the environment, the human, and the space. The contemporary study for sensibility puts the importance on a object and a subject of the study like the environment harmonized with human and space, the humans the subject that essentially uses the space, and the space for the architecture and the interior that puts human in. Accordingly, the study for human sensibility should develop into the study for the design focused on the intangible relationship such as ‘information’, ‘elements for space design’, ‘sensibility’ beyond the existing tangible categories of environment, human, and space. In addition, in the method ways of study and analysis, those studies for the sensible relationship are required to develop into new types of study applying research methods of various studies beyond the traditional border between human studies, social science, and natural science.