The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Typology of Spatial Organization in Art Museum
Authors 이성훈
Page pp.21-30
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Museum ; Spatial Organization ; Typology
Abstract This study plans to classify the art museums in accordance with their spatial organization, analyzing their peculiarities each by its type in order to present the reference required for designing an art museums. With confidence, the analyzation as well as the results of the study contents will make worthy contribution for the future art museums. For this purpose, total of 95 art museums have been selected as the objects of analyzation. First of all, their types have been categorized in accordance with the standard of scale and architectural planning. Out of them, 33 museums have been further selected in order to see how the peculiarities of their patterns are outstanding, and then a quantitative analyzation has been made on each of them to see its space structure by utilizing ‘Space Syntax’. Finally, a correlation analyzation of space structure peculiarities has been conducted and the spatial organization peculiarities per type is comprehensively arranged in accordance with the architectural planning and Space Syntax in order to present a new spatial organization per space to be used for the basic planning of the art museum. The contents of this analytical study are summarized as follows: A correlation analyzation on the typological features in terms of architectural planning and on the spatial organization features in terms of the Space Syntax has presented four new types of museum spaces: ① Radial type, ② Arachnoid-radial type, ③ Linear type, and ④ Grid type, in the light of which the selected 95 art museums have further been analyzed in order for their features to be reclassified.