Title |
A Study on the Intertextuality of John Cage's Music and Bernard Tschumi's Architecture in the viewpoint of Finnegan's Wake - Focusing on the Presentation Aspects of Indeterminacy |
Keywords |
Intertextuality ; Indeterminacy ; Finnegan's Wake ; John Cage ; Bernard Tschumi |
Abstract |
Since the emergence of a philosophical theory called deconstructivism, Intertextuality has been promote the hybrid phenomenon amongst other jenres in arts. Various research efforts in intertextuality, however, have been more focused on the fields of literature and philosophy, rather than of architecture. This study aims to clarify the intertextuality between architectural design, music and literature as the following analysis of James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake, John Cage's music and Bernard Tschumi's early works. Joyce's Garden of Bernard Tschumi's project and some of John Cage's music works had borrowed from Finnegan's Wake, a novel James Joyce. Hence, the commonality between Bernard Tschumi and John Cage can naturally be related through Finnegan's Wake. Also, Finnegan's Wake had been contextualized by Jacques Derrida before it was used as a mediation by Bernard Tschumi. In this viewpoint, the paper will be able to identify the possibility of intertextuality between musical text and architectural one with a medium of literature. Major findings of the study are as follows: First, Finnegan's Wake played a guiding role to deconstruct the existing formalism and to construct a new concept in John Cage's music and Bernard Tschumi's architecture. Second, John Cage's music and Bernard Tschumi's works are included commonness with indeterminacy concepts. Third, the both artists share a drawing concept as found in John Cage's graphic notation of the 1950s and Bernard Tschumi's early architecture where grids, dots, and curves are used in common. As s result, Intertextuality could be possible to make sure between others. Like this interdisciplinary research of relationships among different fields will be of great help in constructing creative design methods in architecture. With continuous research attempts, it is hopeful to intertextualize architectural texts with related art fields. |