The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Plans of Apartments Underground Parking lots to Prevent Women’s Criminal fear Psychology - Focused on apartment design competitions of Suwon A region -
Authors 리금희 ; 김남효
Page pp.104-114
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Residential apartment Design competition ; Underground parking lot plan ; Women ; CPTED ; Criminal fear Psychology ; LED
Abstract The purpose of study was understanding necessity of environment design for underground parking lot in residential design plan and grasping design plans of 'Activity Support' that considerate women, exclude women's unsecured feeling at underground parking lot. The inquiry analyzed 6 design plan in design competition that considerate women according to precede studies, a theory of CPTED, a design guide for wayfinding, and survey. A ramp, circulation, entrance, lighting, ventilation, and space design plan are proceed on this study The result are as below. First, a rectilinear figure ramp suits entrance plan on the circulation, but if it is not possible, cross-using of rectilinear and curvilinear figure ramp plan is desirable. Second, on the circulation plan, vehicles circulation plan and equality parking distribution plan got accomplished generally, and help senses of direction because it is planed network systemize. On a large scale underground parking lot, simplify parking circulation to convenience entrance and exit for weak in sense of direction. Third, the shape and material that’s environmentally conscious will be in use to the entrance plan. As the first stage to the underground, artwork that women prefer can modulate the rejection of underground space. Forth, natural lighting system and ventilation can make the environment-friendly space, decrease the women’s rejection to the underground, it can also keep a natural watch on the space. Fifth, on the space design plan, it can use bright and comfortable design of wall and ground to decrease the women’s rejection, also it is useful to the sense of direction. LED indirect lighting plan that 58.7% of women prefers on survey reflects women’s state of desire that bright and atmosphere. In addition, proper use of plans that subsidiary facilities, rest area with Sunken, and nature-friendly material can minimize differences of underground and ground parking lot.