The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Environment-Friendly Characteristics of campus buildings for creating a green campus
Authors 정숙인 ; 남경숙
Page pp.221-228
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Green Campus ; Environment-Friendly ; Energy Conservation
Abstract Recently severity of ecological adaptation and climatic change due to global warming grows larger. According to the fourth report of IPCC in 2007, emission quantity of the earth greenhouse gas(GHGs) generated by activity of mankind increased with 80% since 1970. And it is forecasted that worldwide greenhouse gas will be increased with 25~90%(corresponding to CO2) between 2000 and 2030. This increment of greenhouse gas(CO2) is expected to raise average temperature of the earth with the maximum 6.4℃, and sea surface with 59㎝ in 2090. Like this, destruction of environment by greenhouse gas is regarded as universal problem threatening the existence, not only the problem of one nation. Consequently, systematic correspondence to the global warming at the aspect of energy consumption is also needed in Korea. From the analysis result of 'Statistics of Energy Consumption' published by Green Korea in 2007, energy consumption increment of domestic universities was higher as many as 3.7 times than 22.5% of the whole energy consumption increment in our country. This says to be the direct example which shows that universities are huge sources of greenhouse gas emission. New constructing and enlarging buildings of each universities within campus are the most major reason for such a large increment of energy consumption in universities. The opinion that the possibility of causing energy waste and efficiency reduction is raised by increased buildings of universities has been propounded. That is, universities should make concrete goal and the plan for reducing emission of green house gas against climatic change, and should practice. Accordingly, there is the meaning that 2 aspects of environment-friendly design characteristics, that is application of energy utilizing technology, material usage of energy efficiency-side and environment-side, and introduction of natural element in the environmental aspect, were analyzed for facilities of university campus designed in environment-friendly point of view from initial stage of plan, and direction of environment-friendly design of university facilities in the future was groped in order to grasp environment-friendly design tendency of internal and external University facilities based on this analysis of this paper.