The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Design Elements and Tectonics for High-Rise Building Space Planning
Authors 조종수
Page pp.3-15
ISSN 12297992
Keywords High-Rise Building ; High-Rise Space Design Elements ; Space Tectonic Strategies ;
Abstract The high-rise building is a dramatic phenomenon and a powerful expression of architecture in the modern civilization. The architecture of these high-rise buildings has been developed with mutual contributions of architectural aesthetic form and advanced technologies. Architecturally the significant evolution of tall buildings from ancient towers is a "change of function" from some religious symbols to a commercial concept that has aesthetically become acceptable with the changing of modern society and culture driven by a technological evolution. Generally, this commercial function in the evolution of high-rise building is office where high-rise working style is simply a necessity to meet quantitative market demands since this style in major cities around world has been changed from low-rise to high-rise during the last several decades in influenced of the modern industrial society. To achieve optimum spaces with architectural aesthetics in the high-rise building, the design has become collaborative, requiring the input of architects, engineers, economists, and other consultants. Hence, architects must deeply understand the basic planning theories of high-rise buildings and try to find optimum planning between architectural aesthetics and other issues. For the approach, we can firstly start with measurement and analysis of the planning use situation for major planning issues of high-rise buildings in practice. Therefore, this study is to analysis Design Elements and to find commonly used planning strategies, tectonic, of high-rise building in practice. It will give a chance to confirm commonly used planning and then becomes the starting point of the planning development of high-rise buildings based on practical planning issues.