The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Comparative Study on the Apartment Unit Plans According to the Living Environment Elements of Housing in Korea and China - Focused on Apartment cases in Seoul and Shanghai -
Authors 양비(Liang, Fei) ; 윤혜경 ; 박현수
Page pp.136-143
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Apartment ; Unit Plan ; Comparative Study ; Living Environment
Abstract This study aims to seek a direction of development in apartment interior planning method, considering residential condition and historical planning schemes in South Korea and China. In this study, South Korea and China's traditional housing and modern apartment unit was studied to identify environmental attributes of residence. For Korea, Banga, where upper class residents lived, and modern urban Hanok were chosen to be analyzed. For China, two types of housing wear studied: Sahapwon, original form of China housing, and Yinong house which is a typical Sanghai house. First, the elements of living environment in two major cities; Seoul and Sanghai was defined to analyze factors of traditional houses in both cities. Depending on those factors, relationship among traditional and modern housing types were compared and analyzed, focusing on unit plan case studies for a better understanding of living environment in South Korea and China. From this study, similarities and differences between apartment plans in Seoul and Shanghai was examined according to their residential style, surrounding natural environment and lifestyle factors. In Seoul's apartment, spacial composition and movement lines were mainly formed around the public space in Seoul, while public space of living and dining room was located at housing entrance area in the Shanghai's residential system, configuring narrow form of housing unit. In respect of the natural environment, the unit plan of rectangular form in Seoul was more efficient in day lighting and wind circulation than the unit plan of narrow form in Shanghai. It was also found that cultural differences of stand-up and seat life style influenced on the composition of unit plans in Seoul and Shanghai.