The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Categorization and Characterization of Light in Space
Authors 신문영 ; 김주연
Page pp.22-30
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Light ; Symbolic information ; Communication medium ; Topological form
Abstract Light has primary function to enlighten the darkness. However, as development and progresses in media has caused big change in our life, the range of usage and application of light is broadened. And these days, light is actively used as a communication tool in a space. This thesis is based on an idea that a new prospect of light is required and at the same time the theoretical foundation should be established to take active advantage of light. In Chapter two, analysis criteria are established to verify study hypothesis. The applied methodology is to analysis the contents based on literature review. Key words related light in space design are extracted and the frequency of those key words are quantitatively measured. Taking advantage of the result, the characteristics of light are divided into three categories, 'light as symbolic information', 'light as communication medium' and 'light as topological form'. In chapter three, analysis of cases is performed. The cases are selected based on space analyzing criteria established in Chapter two. Qualitative analysis is performed on the cases categorized into natural light and artificial light. Basic analysis elements are evaluated for each case. And each case is allocated to one of three categories, 'light as symbolic information', 'light as communication medium' and 'light as topological form'. Through this analysis, it is found that light in space has prevailing characteristics of 'light as symbolic information' and 'light as communication medium'.