The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Degree of Preference to the Psychological Environment of Supporting Facilities in Department Stores - Focused on the Privacy and Sociality about Office Space and Rest Space -
Authors 박의정 ; 서지은 ; 서희숙
Page pp.66-73
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Department Store ; User ; Supporting Facilities ; Psychological Environment ; Degree of Preference
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop the basis data for methods of the plan to make the office space of the psychological environment by survey of preference to users in Department Store. The results are as follows : First, we could know that the space plan has to be considered the privacy and sociality for the psychological environment in office space. Second, we could know that there are efficient methods of space plan to use the cutoff division by partitions, the psychological division by furniture and the sensitive division by material for privacy in office and resting space. For sociality, there are efficient arrangement methods to plan by division type in office space and by opening type in resting space. And it is good method to use by color that is one in esthetical elements. Third, if we considered users, it is good method to use partitions to cutoff from the floor to the ceiling for privacy in office space and to use movable furnitures to cutoff for privacy in resting space. Forth, we could know that there is the difference in methods of space plan to be preferred by user's variables for privacy and sociality in office and resting spaces. Thus, i think that we have to study considering user's variables and types of department store.