The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Characteristics of Modern Museum Architecture’s Visual Circulation - Focused on Space Syntax and Visibility Graph Analysis -
Authors 박종구 ; 이성훈
Page pp.74-81
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Museum ; Art Museum ; Space Syntax ; Visibility Graph Analysis ; Visual Circulation
Abstract This study analyzed characteristics of visual circulation in the modern museum architecture while carrying out space syntax and visibility graph analysis side by side in order to solve problems of visitors’ movement having been suggested as the point at issue at modern museum architecture that has become big scaled and layering so as to satisfy various social demands. Also, the result of this analysis is same as followings. First, visitors become to watch the exhibition with clear position that can make themselves in right allocation, and thus visual and perceptual confusions were shown as relatively low in case physical position and visual one were matched at major space of atrium type or mediation space. Second, it was appeared a lot at the museum having exhibition space of room type in case the physical position and visual one were not matched. Visual circulation in the exhibition space of room type has a merit of forming the circulation where free selection is possible. However, it have raised concerns that visual passageway of visitors could be in a stalemate or crash at the opening part, not at the exhibition hall. Third, though analysis of space syntax had a merit of analyzing total modern museum architectures having became compounded and big scaled, but it was dropped in reliability from the visual circulation’s analysis that was decided by flows of space and time. In contrary, visibility graph analysis was shown as having a merit to analyzing the flows rather than that of total structure, and also appeared as being able to supplement the disadvantage of space syntax in methodology. Upon the above analysis, a lot of architectural elements such as allocation of exhibition hall, location of door and window etc. were appeared as affecting influences to forming visual circulation of visitors, not to mention of allocations of major space, mediation space, and exhibition one. Through this study, various possibilities of quantitative analysis on the visual circulation in the museum architectures can be confirmed. However, this study expects that in-depth subsequent researches objecting to various museums could be realized afterwards because there are still limitations in its analysis.