The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Development and Characteristics of Dymaxion Housing by Richard Buckminster Fuller
Authors 김미경
Page pp.110-119
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Fuller ; Dymaxion ; Mass-Production ; Mobility ; Flexibility ; Lightweightness ; Environmental Control
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the development and characteristics of Dymaxion housing by R. B. Fuller, who is generally known as a structure engineering, architect and his influences. A document research method was used to analyze and classified of his dymaxion housing projects focused on the late of 1920's. Through this study, the following conclusions have been reached; 1) In order to obtain the productivity and efficiency drawing from the industrialized housing in the early of 1900s, the planning concepts of 'Dymaxion', 'Ehemeralization' and 'Autonomy' were proposed. 2) The planning characteristics of Dymaxion housing projects are classified as three aspects. The first is 'formative aspects' which was focused on the round-shape, transparency and lightweight material such as aluminium for movable and flexible dwelling. The second is 'functional aspects', focused on the mass-production, mobility, flexibility, high-tech and systemizing mechanical equipments for efficiency of household affairs. The third is 'environmental aspects', focused on the energy-saving and environmental control for sustainable dwelling. Dymaxion housing projects of Fuller, an aggregation of high-tech mechanical equipments, had a great impact on the development the concept of mobility and influenced radical and utopian architectural groups' ideas of 1960's. Especially, considering today's high cost of energy and the limited natural resources, Fuller's Dymaxion theory must be re-evaluated.